We offer solutions to your problems in determining short range atomic topology in condensed matter. We have long-standing experience in investigating fuel cell components, superconductors, zeolites, oil shale products, proteins, various bio- and synthetic polymers and different biologically active compounds, to name a few.

Contact persons:

Ivo Heinmaa, PhD (ivo.heinmaa@kbfi.ee) – solid state NMR

Jüri Jarvet, PhD (Jyri.jarvet@kbfi.ee) – bioNMR

Tõnis Pehk, DrSci (tonis.pehk@kbfi.ee)  – high-resolution solution NMR


The Laboratory has four research grade Bruker NMR spectrometers that cover a range of frequencies, nuclei and a diversity of applications.

AVANCE III 800MHz (18.8T magnetic field) installed September 2007

Features: Advanced multidimensional experiments

Triple resonance 1H/13C/15N PFG probehead

Dual 1H/13C PFG probehead

Solid state triple resonance 1H/13C/15N probehead

BBO probe 1H/19F, broadband range 31P – 109Ag

QCI CryoProbe

SampleXpress Sample Changer

AVANCE II 600MHz (14.1 T magnetic field); installed 2000, last upgrade 2005

Features Advanced multidimensional experiments

Triple resonance 1H/13C/15N PFG probehead

Solid state probes 1-6 mm and DOR probehead

AMX 500 (11.7T magnetic field); installed 1985, last upgrade 2010

Features: Liquid 1H/13C probehead

CXP 360 spectrometer attached to 8.5T or 4.7T WB-magnets

Features: Solid state / low / high temperature (10K to 1000K)