2006 ja varem


Kahru, A., and Põllumaa, L. (2006) Environmental hazard of the waste streams of Estonian oil shale industry: An ecotoxicological review, Oil Shale 23, 53-93.


Kahru, A. (2006) Ecotoxicological tests in non-ecotoxicological research: contribution to 3Rs. Use of luminescent photobacteria for evaluating the toxicity of 47 MEIC reference chemicals, ALTEX 23: 302-308.


Kahru, A., and Ivask, A. (2006) Ecotoxicological tests and recombinant luminescent microbial models in toxicity studies: contribution to 3Rs, ALTEX 23, 102-103.


Kasemets, K., Kahru, A., Laht, T.-M., and Paalme, T. (2006) Study of the toxic effect of short- and medium-chain monocarboxylic acids on the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the CO2-auxo-accelerostat fermentation system, International Journal of Food Microbiology 111, 206-215.


Leedjärv, A., Ivask, A., Virta, M., and Kahru, A. (2006) Analysis of bioavailable phenols from natural samples by recombinant luminescent bacterial sensors, Chemosphere 64, 1910-1919.


Mortimer, M., Järving, R., Brash, A.R., Samel, N., Järving, I.(2006) Identification and characterization of an arachidonate 11R-lipoxygenase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 445, 147-155.




Bernaus, A., Gaona, X., Ivask, A., Kahru, A., and Valiente, M. (2005) Analysis of sorption and bioavailability of different species of mercury on model soil components using XAS techniques and sensor bacteria, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 382, 1541-1548.


Kahru, A., Ivask, A., Kasemets, K., Põllumaa, L., Kurvet, I., Francois, M., and Dubourguier, H. C. (2005) Biotests and biosensors in ecotoxicological risk assessment of field soils polluted with zinc, lead, and cadmium, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24, 2973-2982.


Kahru, A., Drews, M., Põllumaa, L., Kasemets, K., Veidebaum, T., and Kogerman, P. (2005) Toxicity of nanoscale cationic polymers in vitro and in vivo, ALTEX 22, Special Issue, pp 302.


Peltola, P., Ivask, A., Åström, M., and Virta, M. (2005) Lead and Cu in contaminated urban soils: extraction with chemical reagents and bioluminescent bacteria and yeast, Science of the Total Environment 350, 194-203.




Aruoja, V., Kurvet, I., Dubourguier, H. C., and Kahru, A. (2004) Toxicity testing of heavy-metal-polluted soils with algae Selenastrum capricornutum: a soil suspension assay, Environmental Toxicology 19, 396-402.


Blinova, I. (2004) Use of freshwater algae and duckweeds for phytotoxicity testing, Environmental Toxicology 19, 425-428.


Hakkila, K., Green, T., Leskinen, P., Ivask, A., Marks, R., and Virta, M. (2004) Detection of bioavailable heavy metals in EILATOX-Oregon samples using whole-cell luminescent bacterial sensors in suspension or immobilized onto fibre-optic tips, Journal of Applied Toxicology 24, 333-342.


Ivask, A., Francois, M., Kahru, A., Dubourguier, H. C., Virta, M., and Douay, F. (2004) Recombinant luminescent bacterial sensors for the measurement of bioavailability of cadmium and lead in soils polluted by metal smelters, Chemosphere 55, 147-156.


Ivask, A., and Bernaus, A. (2004) Assessment of sorption and bioavailability of mercury compounds in soils and sediments, SENSPOL: European Network on Sensors for Monitoring Water Pollution Newsletter 11, 18-2.


Põllumaa, L., Kahru, A., and Manusadzianas, L. (2004) Biotest- and Chemistry-Based Hazard Assessment of Soils, Sediments and Solid Wastes, Journal of Soils and Sediments 4, 267-275.




Adamberg, K., Kasemets, K., and Paalme, T. (2003) Auxo-accelerostat – a new effective cultivation system for culture characterization. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Bioreactor Technology On Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Application (Sorvari, S., Ed.), pp 115-125, Karhukopio OY, Turku, Finland.


Irha, N. , Blinova, I., and Petersell, V. (2003). The use of bioassays for an evaluation of effect of soils on toxicity reduction of complex mixture of heavy metals and PAHs, International Journal of Ecological Chemistry 12, 233 – 239.


Kasemets, K., Drews, M., Nisamedtinov, I., Adamberg, K., and Paalme, T. (2003) Modification of A-stat for the characterization of microorganisms, Journal of Microbiological Methods 55, 187-200.


Manusadzianas, L., Balkelyte, L., Sadauskas, K., Blinova, I., Põllumaa, L., and Kahru, A. (2003) Ecotoxicological study of Lithuanian and Estonian wastewaters: selection of the biotests, and correspondence between toxicity and chemical-based indices, Aquatic Toxicology 63, 27-41.


Persoone, G., Marsalek, B., Blinova, I., Torokne, A., Zarina, D., Manusadzianas, L., Nalecz-Jawecki, G., Tofan, L., Stepanova, N., Tothova, L., and Kolar, B. (2003) A practical and user-friendly toxicity classification system with microbiotests for natural waters and wastewaters, Environmental Toxicology 18, 395-402.


Põllumaa, L., and Kahru, A. (2003) Ecotoxicological hazard assessment of solid-phase samples, In Utilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and Solutions (Sasek, V., Glaser, J. A., and Baveye, P., Eds.), pp 217-220.


Põllumaa, L., Blinova, I. , Kahru, A. (2003) Toksikoloogilised meetodid keskkonnauuringutes. In: Ohtlikud ained keskkonnas (Roose, A., and Otsa, E., Eds.), pp 17-19, EV Keskkonnaministeerium.




Ivask, A., Kahru, A., Kunttu, K., Virta, M., Douay, F., and Dubourguier, H.-C. (2002) Bioanalysis of heavy metals from soils and sediments using recombinant luminescent bacterial sensors, Toxicology Letters 135, S101.


Ivask, A., Virta, M., and Kahru, A. (2002) Construction and use of specific luminescent recombinant bacterial sensors for the assessment of bioavailable fraction of cadmium, zinc, mercury and chromium in the soil, Soil Biology & Biochemistry 34, 1439-1447.


Kahru, A., Maloverjan, A., Sillak, H., and Põllumaa, L. (2002) The toxicity and fate of phenolic pollutants in the contaminated soils associated with the oil-shale industry, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27-33.




Blinova, I., and Kahru, A. (2001) Biotestide kasutamine keskkonnaseisundi hindamisel, Keskkonnatehnika 3/2001, 39.


Ivask, A., Hakkila, K., and Virta, M. (2001) Detection of organomercurials with sensor bacteria, Analytical Chemistry 73, 5168-5171.


Kahru, A., and Põllumaa, L. (2001) Application of the ecotoxicological test batteries for the study of environmental pollution, Pharmacology & Toxicology 88, supplement I, 19.


Põllumaa, L., Maloverjan, A., Trapido, M., Sillak, H., and Kahru, A. (2001) Study of the environmental hazard caused by the oil shale industry solid waste, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 29, 259-267.




Kahru, A., Põllumaa, L., Reiman, R., and Rätsep, A. (2000) Microbiotests for the evaluation of the pollution from the oil shale industry. In: New Microbiotests for Routine Toxicity Testing and Biomonitoring. KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBLISHERS. (Persoone, G., Janssen, C., and De Coen, W., Eds.), p. 357-365.


Kahru, A., Põllumaa, L., Reiman, R., Rätsep, A., Liiders, M., and Maloverjan, A. (2000) The toxicity and biodegradability of eight main phenolic compounds characteristic to the oil-shale industry wastewaters: A test battery approach, Environmental Toxicology 15, 431-442.


Põllumaa, L., Kahru, A., Eisenträger, A., Reiman, R., Maloverjan, A., and Rätsep, A. (2000) Toxicological investigation of soils with the solid-phase flash assay: Comparison with other ecotoxicological tests, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 28, 461-472.




Kahru, A., Põllumaa, L., Reiman, R., and Rätsep, A. (1999) Predicting the toxicity of oil-shale industry wastewater by its phenolic composition, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 27, 359-366.


Kasemets K., and Paalme T. (1999) Characterisation of yeast strains using the A-stat method. In: Food Microbiology and Food Safety into Next Millennium. (Tuijtelaars, A.C.J., Samson, R.A., Rombouts, F.M., and Notermans, S., Eds.), pp. 644-645. Ponsen & Looyen, The Netherlands, Wageningen,


Rozkov, A., Vassiljeva, I., Kurvet, M., Kahru, A., Preis, S., Kharchenko, A., Krichevskaya, M., Liiv, M., Kaard, A., and Vilu, R. (1999) Laboratory study of bioremediation of rocket fuel-polluted groundwater, Water Research 33, 1303-1313.


Shugart, L., Cibulka, J., Boruvka, L., Curdova, E., Holsbeek, L., Kahru, A., Kotelevtsev, S., Kratz, W., Kubiznakova, J., and Walker, C. (1999) Report of the Working Group on northern Bohemia, NATO Science Series Partnership Sub-Series 2 Environmental Security 54, 229-277.




Clemedson, C., Barile, F. A., Ekwall, B., Gomez-Lechon, M. J., Hall, T., Imai, K., Kahru, A., Logemann, P., Monaco, F., Ohno, T., Segner, H., Sjostrom, M., Valentino, M., Walum, E., and Wang, X. H. (1998) MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity – Part III. In vitro results from 16 additional methods used to test the first 30 reference chemicals and a comparative cytotoxicity analysis, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 26, 93-129.


Clemedson, C., Andersson, M., Aoki, Y., Barile, F. A., Bassi, A. M., Calleja, M. C., Castano, A., Clothier, R. H., Dierickx, P., Ekwall, B., Ferro, M., Fiskesjo, G., Garza-Ocanas, L., Gomez-Lechon, M. J., Gulden, M., Hall, T., Imai, K., Isomaa, B., Kahru, A., Kerszman, G., Kjellstrand, P., Kristen, U., Kunimoto, M., Karenlampi, S., Lewan, L., Lilius, H., Loukianov, A., Monaco, F., Ohno, T., Persoone, G., Romert, L., Sawyer, T. W., Segner, H., Seibert, H., Shrivastava, R., Sjostrom, M., Stammati, A., Tanaka, N., Thuvander, A., Torres-Alanis, O., Valentino, M., Wakuri, S., Walum, E., Wang, X. H., Wieslander, A., and Zucco, F. (1998) MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity – Part IV. In vitro results from 67 toxicity assays used to test reference chemicals 31-50 and a comparative cytotoxicity analysis, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 26, 131-183.


Drews, M., Kasemets, K., Nisamedtinov, I., and Paalme, T. (1998) Continuous cultivation of insect and yeast cells at maximum specific growth rate, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Chemistry 47, 175-188.


Ekwall, B., Barile, F. A., Castano, A., Clemedson, C., Clothier, R. H., Dierickx, P., Ferro, M., Fiskesjo, G., Garza-Ocanas, L., Gomez-Lechon, M. J., Gulden, M., Hall, T., Isomaa, B., Kahru, A., Kerszman, G., Kristen, U., Kunimoto, M., Karenlampi, S., Lewan, L., Loukianov, A., Ohno, T., Persoone, G., Romert, L., Sawyer, T. W., Shrivastava, R., Segner, H., Stammati, A., Tanaka, N., Valentino, M., Walum, E., and Zucco, F. (1998) MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity – Part VI. The prediction of human toxicity by rodent LD50 values and results from 61 in vitro methods, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 26, 617-658.


Kahru, A., Põllumaa, L., Blinova, I., Reiman, R., and Rätsep, A. (1998) Chemical versus toxicological analysis in characterization of phenolic pollution: a test battery approach, Toxicology Letters, Supplement 1/95, 237.


Kahru, A., Reiman, R., and Rätsep, A. (1998) The efficiency of different phenol-degrading bacteria and activated sludges in detoxification of phenolic leachates, Chemosphere 37, 301-318.




Chekulayev, V., Shevchuk, I., Chekulayeva, L., and Kahru, A. (1997) Study of the photochemical and phototoxic properties of lonidamine 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-1H-indazol-3-carboxylic acid, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology 41, 11-21.


Kahru, A., Kurvet, M., and Kurvet, I. (1997) Study of the toxicological impact of different components of ash-heap water (sulphur rich phenolic leachate) using luminescent bacteria as test organisms, Oil Shale 14, 469-475.


Kahru, A., Kurvet, M., Kurvet, I., Reiman, R., and Rätsep, A. (1997) The toxcity of ash-heap water (sulfur-rich phenolic leachate) and the efficiency of different phenol-utilising bacterial strains in its biopurification/detoxification. Human and Experimental Toxicology 16, 617.


Paalme, T., Elken, R., Kahru, A., Vanatalu, K., and Vilu, R. (1997) The growth rate control in Escherichia coli at near to maximum growth rates: The A-stat approach, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 71, 217-230.


Shevchuk, I., Chekulayev, V., Chekulayeva, L., and Kahru, A. (1997) Phototoxicity of lonidamine, and antitumour agent, towards mammary cells, Human and Experimental Toxicology 16, 623.




Clemedson, C., McFarlaneAbdulla, E., Andersson, M., Barile, F. A., Calleja, M. C., Chesne, C., Clothier, R., Cottin, M., Curren, R., Szolgay, E. D., Dierickx, P., Ferro, M., Fiskesjo, G., GarzaOcanas, L., GomezLechon, M. J., Gulden, M., Isomaa, B., Janus, J., Judge, P., Kahru, A., Kemp, R. B., Kerszman, G., Kristen, U., Kunimoto, M., Karenlampi, S., Lavrijsen, K., Lewan, L., Lilius, H., Ohno, T., Persoone, G., Roguet, R., Romert, L., Sawyer, T. W., Seibert, H., Shrivastava, R., Stammati, A., Tanaka, N., TorresAlanis, O., Voss, J. U., Wakuri, S., Walum, E., Wang, X. H., Zucco, F., and Ekwall, B. (1996) MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity .1. Methodology of 68 in vitro toxicity assays used to test the first 30 reference chemicals, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 24, 251-272.


Clemedson, C., McFarlaneAbdulla, E., Andersson, M., Barile, F. A., Calleja, M. C., Chesne, C., Clothier, R., Cottin, M., Curren, R., Dierickx, P., Ferro, M., Fiskesjo, G., GarzaOcanas, L., GomezLechon, M. J., Gulden, M., Isomaa, B., Janus, J., Judge, P., Kahru, A., Kemp, R. B., Kerszman, G., Kristen, U., Kunimoto, M., Karenlampi, S., Lavrijsen, K., Lewan, L., Lilius, H., Malmsten, A., Ohno, T., Persoone, G., Pettersson, R., Roguet, R., Romert, L., Sandberg, M., Sawyer, T. W., Seibert, H., Shrivastava, R., Sjostrom, M., Stammati, A., Tanaka, N., TorresAlanis, O., Voss, J. U., Wakuri, S., Walum, E., Wang, X. H., Zucco, F., and Ekwall, B. (1996) MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity .2. In vitro results from 68 toxicity assays used to test the first 30 reference chemicals and a comparative cytotoxicity analysis, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 24, 273-311.


Chekulayev, V., Shevchuk, I., Chekulayeva, L., and Kahru, A. (1996) Increasing the efficiency of photosensitized damage of Erlich ascites carcinoma cells using haematoporphyrin derivative or chlorin-e6 in combination with lonidamine. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology 45, 102-127.


Kahru, A., Kurvet, M., and Külm, I. (1996) Toxicity of phenolic wastewater to luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum and activated sludges, Water Science and Technology 33, 139-146.


Kahru, A., Tomson, K., Pall, T., and Külm, I. (1996) Study of toxicity of pesticides using luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum, Water Science and Technology 33, 147-154.




Paalme, T., Kahru, A., Elken, R., Vanatalu, K., Tiisma, K., and Vilu, R. (1995) The computer-controlled continuous culture of Escherichia coli with smooth change of dilution rate (A-stat), Journal of Microbiological Methods 24, 145-153.




Kahru, A., and Borchardt, B. (1994) Toxicity of 39 MEIC chemicals to bioluminescent photobacteria (the BIOTOX((TM)) test) – Correlation with other test systems, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 22, 147-160.




Kahru, A. (1993) In vitro toxicity testing using marine luminescent bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) – The BIOTOXTM test, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 21, 210-215.


Pruul, R., Kahn, H., and Kahru, A. (1993) Applivation of the Ames genotoxicity assay and the bioluminescent toxicity assay in the testing of urine samples, Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 21, 225-232.




Kahru, A. Pelkonen, M., and Vilu, R. (1991). Application of ATP bioluminescent method of rapid determination of microbial biomass in environmental samples: trial of the assay in enumeration of bacteria in soil and activated sludge, Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent 56, 1585-1587.


Kahru, A., and Vilu, R. (1991) The ATP bioluminescence technique in evaluating the bacteriological quality of dried milk.




Kahru, A., and Vilu, R. (1990). The role of the adenine nucleotides in the regulation of bacterial energy metabolism: theoretical problems and experimental pitfalls, Microbios 62, 83-92.


Paalme, T., Tiisma, K., Kahru, A., Vanatalu, K., and Vilu, R. (1990) Glucose-limited fed-batch cultivation of Escherichia coli with computer-controlled fixed growth rate, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 35, 312-319.




Kahru, A., and Vilu, R. (1988) Use of the luciferin-luciferase assay of ATP for measuring the bacterial growth: application to Escherichia coli, Acta Biotechnologica 8, 92-98.




Kahru, A., Paalme, T., and Vilu, R. (1987) Effect of temperature on the ATP pool and adenylate energy charge of Escherichia coli, FEMS Microbiology Letters 41, 305-308.




Kahru, A., and Vilu, R. (1983) On characterization of the growth of Escherichia coli in batch culture, Archives of Microbiology 135, 12-15.




Kahru, A., Liiders, M., Vanatalu, K., and Vilu, R. (1982) Adenylate energy charge during batch culture of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. Archives of Microbiology 133, 142-144.